Astrophyllite Gemstone Uses & Crystal Healing Properties

- Infuses High Vibrational Energy
- Helps Illuminate the True Self
- Increases Authenticity & Honesty
- Promotes Fidelity & Trust
- Helps with Major Life Changes
- Increases Self Love & Acceptance
- Awakens your Natural Gifts & Abilities
Astrophyllite is also known as the star sheet or firework stone for it's incredible inclusions of star like sparkles. The more you gaze into this crystal, the more you will see shooting fireworks in places you didn't recognize before. This is also the stone of marriage, helping the user to repair past relationship issues for a brighter tomorrow. It dispels dishonest behavior. It will help you go into the past to relinquish the lessons needed for the highest possible path.
Astrophyllite was originally recognized as brown mica, found in 1854. In greek, Astro means star, where phyllo means leaves or sheets. The colors of this stone range from dark black, copper, bronze, bright blue, silvery yellow and reddish brown. It is truly an amazing display of earthly colors.
Zodiac: Cancer
Element: Earth - Fire - Air - Water

All Chakras - Especially: Throat Chakra - Crown Chakra - Third Eye Chakra - Root Chakra - Earth Star Chakra - Aligns the Highest Path of User, Balances all the Chakras through the Earth Star and Root
Astrophyllite is found in Russia, where the largest amounts are. However, they can come from USA, Colorado, Norway, Canada and more.
Astrophyllite balances our consciousness with our intuitive awareness, helping one to see the duality of human nature. For this reason it is an amazing stone to wear in trouble relationships with oneself or others. It will lighten the heart with hope and possibility through optimism to achieve any goal dear to the heart. This can be relationship goals, self-confidence oriented or life goals. This crystal will generously boost self-confidence, self-trust and stability.
Astrophyllite is beneficial for clearing the body of overwhelming toxins, building up a stable immune system. It also works with bloating, digestions and a healthy gut-brain barrier. It is extremely useful for the reproductive system, dealing with womanly struggles like PMS and menopause.
Astrophyllite can help align the mind of the user with their divine will. It will promote psychic abilities and spiritual growth. This is the best stone for major life changes, through the power of optimism it will break down the barriers of obstacles in the path. Just like a firework, it will uniquely brighten the darkest of skies promoting the beauty of life.