Buddha Head Meaning

Buddha Head
The word Buddha itself means the awakened one. Buddhism has three pillars that it focuses on which are living life in morality, living and acting in compassion and awareness, to always come from a place of understanding and divine wisdom. Buddha statues come in several different formations, yet the head is nearly always the same. Both sides are usually symmetrical showing purity and perfection. The Buddha head holds the secrets of enlightenment within it representing the wisdom, and knowledge of the Buddha.
The Buddha head resembles a young and charming Buddha that radiates calmness, and composure in a meditative stillness. He is always smiling depicting eternal happiness for the Buddha has surpassed the sufferings of the world and understands the connectivity of all beings. By simply wearing the Buddha head or having it in the living space it will invoke a peaceful and harmonious energy into the atmosphere to help with calmness.
One can go into meditation with the Buddha by gazing into his face. This style of meditation is a still point meditation where all the focus is on one place to silence the mind. This meditation will bring a wave of stillness while invoking a feeling of peaceful tranquility. Every part of the Buddha head resembles something different.
The Ushnisha
This is the crown that is on the Buddha’s head. It represents the Buddha's attainment of enlightenment reminding us of the knowledge and wisdom of the Buddha. It imprints a deep sense of spirituality into the being that wears it.
The Hair
In his prince hood, the Buddha had a topknot. After enlightenment he shaved his hair off. The depictions of him show that he has curly hair that has been cut off yet not shaved to resemble the middle way between indulgence and mortification. Reminding us that life may be of duality, but we can attain balance through enlightenment.
Third Eye - The Urna
The third eye resembles the all seeing eye of the Buddha attained through his spiritual awakening. It teaches that he can see beyond the physical and materialistic realm. Reminding us to be generous, honorable, and kind to all sentient beings.
The Eye
The eye of the Buddha is always depicted as half closed as if he is in a deep meditative state. This symbolizes him always being in between worlds, and seeing everything through his awakened third eye. It also resembles looking past the material and seeking the truth and wisdom from within.
The Ears
The long earlobes represented remind us that he was once a prince covered in jewelry but gave it all up in servitude to divinity and mankind. They also resemble that he can hear all the suffering of the world and responds with understanding, compassion, and wisdom.
The Lips
The Buddha is always depicted with a smile to resemble that despite all suffering, he has a higher wisdom and higher understanding of the universe. He is serene and tranquil in the unfolding of all there is, and all that will ever be, for he understands why it is.